Today, it is used as a complementary therapy to improve overall health and sense of well-being. Meditation is a practice that is becoming to be very popular. It is more accessible due to the large number of instructors and qualified people who are training in the field, thus becoming a global phenomenon.
The term meditation is used to describe various meditative disciplines. The main objective of these is observing breathe and enjoy what is happening in the here and now, from acceptance with no need to change. It reduces stress levels and helps modify all the negative emotions. By living a deep state of relaxation, you can improve your health and well-being.
Modern meditation practices are rooted in Hinduism and Buddhism mainly. Today, thousands of people from different cultures around the world meditate.
We propose to meditate, sitting or lying quietly. Sometimes, you can repeat a sound or phrase (known as mantra) to aid in concentration. This discipline can be practice anywhere and anytime you want, however the silence and withdrawal is helpful.
Numerous studies suggest that meditation can have numerous health benefits. For example, if you have had a depression, a treatment called cognitive therapy based on mindfulness, it will help prevent another depression. In turn, studies indicate that full awareness meditation helps reduce stress, anxiety disorder or addictive behavior.
Scientists and scholars investigating the topic think that meditation works in such a way that affects the nervous system that controls the “fight-flight response” the sympathetic system. The sympathetic system causes involuntary action in which the body responds to stress by increasing the heart rate, breathing and the amount of sweat. By meditating we train the parasympathetic system, which its function is to precisely control the sympathetic and relax the body. Meditation is the path of moving away from the reaction and getting closer to the full consciousness action.